Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Statement of Intent

My aim is to create a narrative/ performance video which has themes of female empowerment and independence. The song I have chosen “Loyal to Me” remix, has lyrics that speak about how women should support each other, and the beat of the song gives an empowering and strong feel. Because the task is to create a video for dance music, I have decided to incorporate dance and bright colours into the video as this will also attract the target audience of 16-25-year olds. This colour scheme will tie in with my website..

The narrative of the music video is about a girl (Rosa L’amour) who is with a boy that never makes the effort to meet her. Throughout the video, she decides that he isn’t worth her time and so decides to ‘let go’ and be independent. The idea of freedom is shown through the dancing. As the video goes on and she gains independence the dance becomes bigger and has more energy. I want my video to represent how consumed people can become within relationships and the toxic effect it can have on people, therefore showing that sometimes its best to be strong and independent. To achieve the empowering finish, I have planned to film during day time when the light is bright. I would also like to use a mixture of camera shots that are sleek etc adding to the atmosphere and mood. This will allow the audience to feel connected with the character.

Location is also going to play an important part within my video, I’m starting the first scene at home and as the video progresses it shows her journey to London. I have chosen a few London locations that are bright, colourful and diverse that matches with the mood of my video. These locations include; Notting Hill, Southbank and Shoreditch. I would like to find brightly coloured walls and interesting wall art to do performance scenes in front of to reflect the empowering message desired.

Within my music video, I am using the artist (Rosa L’amour) to represent women as a whole due to the fact that my video is representing female power and independence. To fit the narrative, I am also going to show ‘faceless’ shots of a boy, who is acting as the character of Rosa’s boyfriend, to represent the male social group. Whilst in London I am going to aim to film people from different ethnicities, sexualities and genders to further represent all social groups as the message of my video can be applied to all people. 

My website will be bright and colourful to fit my artists branding and representation. I will use photographs taken from filming so that my website has an evident link with the upcoming music video. My website will have 7 sections; homepage, bio, music, gallery, shows, merch and contact. Each page will give an informative insight into different areas of Rosa L’amour and her career. My aim is to make the sight sleek and professional in order to resemble other empowering female artists websites e.g. Anne Marie and Rihanna.

The artists website will follow a colour scheme that matches the colour scheme of her new video. This will include pinks, blues, purples, yellows and oranges. All these bright colours will add to the bubbly and energetic persona that my artist is aiming to show. I will also put social media links on my website that link to Rosa’s personal Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, this helps to build the profile of the artist and helps fans to interreact with her on a more personal level.

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Final Music Video